A edubuntu podem trobar els següents paquets d´aplicacions: (que un altre dia amb més temps traduiré)
it is huge collection of activities for the kindergarden. It gently introduces kids to basic computer use, then it builds on that by expanding to basic maths, reading activities, and more.
The Tux4kids project has produced software such as TuxPaint, TuxMaths and TuxTyping.
School Calendar
With the latest version of Ubuntu, School Tool is now completely functional. Once installed, the Schooltool Calendar can be accessed from the Firefox web browser, by entering "localhost:7080" into the address bar.
OpenOffice.org Office Suite
Edubuntu includes OpenOffice.org version 3. OpenOffice.org 3 includes many enhancements and new features. The newest component is OpenOffice.org Base, which is a powerful database front-end. Other OpenOffice.org components include a word processor, spreadsheet, presentations, simple vector drawing and web authoring.
Com es pot observar tenim una àmplia oferta d´aplicacions de software lliure de les que podem treure molt de profit a les aules i sense cap cost econòmic.
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